Mistake in not quitting EU.
Britain made the biggest mistake not quitting the EU
when Margaret Thatcher voiced her doubts in 1992. The Maastricht Treaty of 1993 transformed
the European Economic Community (Common Market) into the political federation
of the European Union, stripping the UK of powers to negotiate with non-EU countries;
rendering impotent our once-thriving industries like, manufacturing, the steel
works and mining; decimating our agriculture and fishery with wasteful directives
that closed many small businesses.
Each EU Treaty eroded more British sovereignty; and
thousands of mindless directives turned our Parliament into paper-shuffler,
disseminating their regulations, and supervisor of obeisance by our government
departments and local councils. Like
Greece, George Osborne had to obey EU directives to put austerity measures on
our spending, because “We have one of the worst debts on the planet”, as
observed by a Lib-Dem supporter (In my view Feb 6)
The EEC’s nine members in 1973 had broadly similar living
standards, thriving well on the four freedoms of movement of capital, goods,
services and people travelling for work.
Today’s 28 disparate EU members, mostly ex-Soviet or ex-Communist nations
with much lower economies and earning expectation, make the four freedoms especially
unworkable in EU’s shambolic organisation, where for 19 years auditors could
not pass their accounts due to errors and misspending of 6.7 billion Euro just in
David Cameron’s proposed reform to stop new migrants
claiming benefit on arrival was irrelevant, when Germany and Austria kept
controls on workers from Eastern Europe for the full seven years allowed under
EU rules. UK GDP per capita is three
times that of Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia, the most recent countries to join
the EU with a combined population of 33 million. Turkey is being fast tracked into the EU by
Angela Merkel and Bosnia-Herzegovina has already applied to join. With net migration last year at 330,000
should Britain be worried?
EU’s travelling circus of 751 MEPs and staff, shuttling
by rail, road and air between Brussels and Strasbourg costs over 180 million
Euro a year, plus Luxembourg with a secretariat employing 2,432 officials, hosting
a third European Parliament, the European Court of Justice with one judge from
each member state and the European Council with 28 leaders that met recently in
Paris. Britain’s EU fee of £12 Billion a year could be better spent on our NHS,
Nurseries, children’s centres, tax credits... Britain needs to leave the EU. Vote Leave at the EU referendum.